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Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Eyes Cloud in Padang was a lie
Eyes cloud in Padang was a lie
Hm …. A few days ago, I temen a video recording showing Cloud’s eyes during the earthquake that occurred in the city of Padang on 30th September. In the video it seems very clear there is a pair of eyes in the sky that appeared at the time of the earthquake. Also believes the phenomenon could cloud the eye’s Padang city. But …
After this morning saw some comments in (if you have not deleted it) stating that the video lie, so hesitant, too. Because the video is presented already uploaded on YouTube on May 19, 2009. Well it loh … Confused. And the earthquake in Padang city’s happened late last month 30 September 2009, followed by the earthquake in Jambi on October 1, 2009.
25 November
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